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생년월일 소개

귀하는 마후 산 미겔(Mahou San Miguel)이 소유한 웹사이트에 들어가려고 합니다. 이 웹사이트의 콘텐츠는 성인 전용입니다. 해당 사용자에게만 표시되도록 연령 필터를 통합했습니다. 이 필터에 솔직하게 답해야 합니다. 이 필터는 꼭 필요한 기술 쿠키를 사용함으로써 기능이 활성화되며, 사용자가 이 웹사이트를 떠날 때 제거됩니다.

국가 선택



Mahou, SA, Cervecera Independiente, SAU, both with registered offices at Calle Titán 15, 28045, Madrid, and Aguas de Solán de Cabras, SAU, with registered offices at Paraje de Solán de Cabras s / n, 16893 Beteta (Cuenca) (hereinafter, "Mahou") as owners of this website, space, or application (hereinafter, the "Website"), inform users that they can use data storage and recovery devices (generically, called “cookies"). For the purposes of this Cookies Policy, "User" should be understood as any natural person who accesses and uses the Website.

  1. What are Cookies

    Cookies are storage and data recovery devices that are downloaded to the User's device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when accessing certain web pages, spaces or applications, including the Website. Its installation allows the owner of the website to store certain data (for example, about their device, their browsing habits or their preferences) that can be updated and retrieved later for various purposes, being able to recognize the user.

  2. What types of cookies are there?

    Without prejudice to the fact that the same cookie may be included in more than one category, in general, cookies can be classified into three large categories depending on:

    • Its origin: Depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from where the cookies are sent and processes the data. This type of cookies can be subcategorized as own (sent from a computer or domain managed by the person responsible for the web) or third parties (sent from a computer or domain that is not managed by the person responsible).
      In the event that cookies are served from a computer or domain managed by the editor himself (responsible for the web), but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies if the third party he uses them for his own purposes.
    • Their duration or useful life: According to the period of time in which they remain active in the user's terminal. These cookies can be subcategorized as session cookies, that is, those designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the website, or persistent, those in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period of time. definite time
    • Their purpose: Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained is processed, cookies can be subcategorized as:
      • Technical or strictly necessary cookies.
      • Preference or customization cookies.
      • Analysis or measurement cookies.
      • Behavioral advertising cookies.
      • Social network cookies.
    • Likewise, there are cookies with several different purposes (multipurpose cookies). You can find a detailed description of their purposes in section 4 of this Cookies Policy.

  3. Who controls cookies?

    Mahou holds the status of Responsible for the treatment in relation to the User's personal data that it obtains through the installation of its own cookies on the Website. The processing of the data obtained is carried out in accordance with the principles of data protection established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons in the regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE (RGPD) is repealed.

    We want to emphasize that you have control over your personal data and that we will not use cookies unless, for these purposes, you have given your consent to Mahou. If you wish to obtain more information about how Mahou processes your personal data, you can consult our Privacy Policy.

    On the other hand, in relation to the use of third-party cookies, Mahou bears exclusive responsibility for the treatments carried out thanks to the use of them in the terms defined in section 4 of this Cookies Policy. Without prejudice to this, it is possible that the third party owners of these cookies subsequently carry out a treatment on the data obtained without the intervention of Mahou. The performance of these treatments will be the sole responsibility of the third party. You will find detailed information about the third parties that install cookies on the Website in the list of cookies transcribed in section 4

  4. How is consent obtained and how are cookies revoked and deleted?

    When entering the Website you will receive a notice with basic information about the use of cookies by Mahou. At that time, you can give your consent for us to use all cookies, by pressing the "Accept All Cookies" button, or choose both that we use only some or none, by clicking on "Cookie Settings". Likewise, you will have the option of accessing this policy to expand information or exercise your data protection rights.

    By default, all cookies are disabled, except for the techniques necessary for the website to work.

    Regardless of the option you chose when receiving said notice, you can modify or revoke the consent given through our Center for configuring preferences in the use of cookies

  5. To which recipients will your data be communicated?

    Mahou informs you that you may share your data obtained through the installation of cookies, with service providers for the management, analysis and improvement of the Website. In these cases, Mahou adopts the organizational measures established by current legislation on data protection, in order to ensure that these providers, in their capacity as data managers, guarantee a level of security equivalent to that offered by Mahou.

    Likewise, your data may also be shared with the entities identified in this Cookies Policy as third-party cookie installers, as well as with the rest of the entities that belong to the same advertising network and / or that use the same cookie systems. These third parties will be responsible for the treatment of all those treatments that they carry out without the intervention and beyond the control of Mahou.

    Some of the aforementioned service providers are located in countries outside the European Economic Area or that do not offer a level of security equivalent to Spanish. In these cases, transfers will only be made if at least one of the conditions established in Chapter V of the RGPD is met. To obtain more information about the previous guarantees or the fact that they have been provided, you can contact Mahou by the means established in the following section.

  6. Contact details:

    The User may contact us through the email with any questions or needs they may have regarding data protection, as well as for the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability , limitation of treatment or opposition.

    All this without prejudice to the User's right to file a claim with the corresponding data protection authority.

    If you want more information about it, you can consult our Privacy Policy.

  7. Modification of this Policy:

    Mahou can modify this Cookies Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation. Mahou will inform Users of any change in the Policy and will give them the possibility of granting their consent again

    This Cookies Policy has been updated for the last time on October 28, 2020.